Interview with longlisted author Ahmed Al-Malawany

When did you begin writing Happy Dreams and where did the inspiration for it come from?
I started writing the novel in April 2020. I believe this date in itself was a clear source of inspiration. It was during the forced isolation of the COVID pandemic – a time full of stress, depression, and uncertainty. I don’t remember exactly when or how the idea behind the novel was born. But my general preoccupation with the subject of dreams, along with the lifelessness we all experienced at that time, was the starting point for writing the novel.
Did the novel take long to write and where were you when you finished it?
The novel took two years and two months. I finished writing it in my home in Alexandria, Egypt.
Do you have writing rituals?
No, I learned from experience that a writer should be prepared to write at any time and under any circumstances. Wherever and whenever inspiration strikes, I have to be ready.
What is your next literary project after this novel?
I am still working on an outline for a new novel that I might start writing soon. I do not know. The last few years I was completely busy with playwriting. I am a professional playwright. And writing for theater is a source of income for me. That’s why it takes up time and effort. Given the success I achieved in the field, it has started taking me away from writing novels.