Upholding humanity in a post-human world: EURAMAL 2016

Arabists from across Europe will be gathering in Oslo next week for the 12th annual meeting of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL). Starting on Monday 30 May and taking place at the University of Oslo, EURAMAL will offer a series of literary talks over six days, ending on Saturday 4 June.
The theme this year is ‘Upholding humanity in a post-human world? Arabic writing after the Arab Spring,’ and the talks will hold a looking glass up to the evolution of Middle Eastern literature in the wake of these conflicts. Particular trends to be examined will be the use of dystopia, necropolitics, monsters and satire in Arabic literature today. Speakers will also be discussing the theme of trauma and survival.
The conference is a favourite of IPAF alumni, many of whom will be taking part and featuring in discussions, and the prize offers support in bringing authors to EURAMAL.
On Tuesday afternoon (1.30–3.00pm), IPAF trustee Rasheed El-Enany will be chairing one of three panels on necropolitics and monsters.
Shortlisted authors Inaam Kachachi (2014) and Mohamed Rabie (2016), interviewed by Tania Saadi and Teresa Pepe, will then lead a literary soiree at the Litteraturhuset from 7.00 – 9.00pm on Thursday evening. Their novels Tashariand Mercury (published in the UK as Otared) will also be key topics of discussion in the lectures.
Likewise, Ahmed Sadaawi’s novel Frankenstein in Baghdad is a popular feature of this year’s programme, featuring in multiple panels.
Full programme details can be found here.